Sunday, February 5, 2017

A Lesson Before Dying Ch. 3-4/ Quotation assignment

Chapter 3: Question 3

What does the back door of a Henri Pichots plantation house symbolize to Grant and his aunt? Why does having to enter the plantation house through the back door rankle Grant?
1. The back for Grant and his aunt symbolizes their past when they were working for Mr. Pichot. It also symbolizes their one way in and out the house because they were of color. It also seems to hold a reminder for Grant and his aunt that they were servers of the white man and had to as they were told as long as they were under the shadow of Mr. Pichot.

Chapter 4: Question 1

In describing Bayonne, the narrator mentions that the towns major industries include, "a slaughterhouse, mostly for hogs". How does this echo and expand on the public defenders summation in jeffersons trial in chapter 1?
1. When the narrator is describing the Bayonne and mentions one of the towns major industries which happens to be a slaughterhouse mainly for hog it echos back to the summation in jeffersons trial n chapter 1 simply because of the fact Jefferson was compared to a hog during his trial. Hogs can be very dangerous and aggressive which would lead the jury to feel as if Jefferson is a threat to there town. Jefferson was also sentenced for to death by electrocution. This can also help us come to the conclusion that Jeffersons lawyer wanted him to lose his case seeing as he compared Jefferson to a wild and aggressive animal.

Quotation Assignment 

Chapter three - #1

"Am I supposed to go in there too?" - page 17
        This quotation characterizes Grant as prideful. He hasn't been through the back door of the plantation house since his departure 10 years ago to go to a university. Grant does not want to enter through the back door because it is a reminder of his past and who he was before he went off to school.

        This quotation also relates to the theme of decision making. In today's society we always seem to ask ourselves this question, " am I supposed to go in there too?". If Jeffery would have stopped and asked himself that question before hand he probably would not have ended up in the situation he was currently in.

Chapter four - #2

"we're teachers and we have a commitment" - page 29
        This quote relates to the theme of responsibility, that even though grant didn't like his job he is still committed to it. Even though Jefferson did not commit the crime he still had to take responsibility for it.  It also reflects back to Grants aunt, who although knows that Jefferson is of age she still takes responsibility in trying to get him out of jail.

        This quote can lead to the conflict later on in the book when the rush to get Jefferson free is heightened. When Grants aunt has an even stronger urge for justice to be giving to her son. 


1 comment:

  1. Very good job! You may have misunderstood the assignment, but you were suppose to answer all of the questions for Chapters 3 and 4; you only chose one question from each chapter. Go back and answer the remaining questions to get full credit. Overall, you did an excellent job on this assignment!
