Saturday, August 20, 2016

        In my writings I think my greatest strength in writing is being very descriptive. I love describing things; the look, the way it feels, what it smells like, how it tastes, and/or sounds. I think my weakest strength is actually writing or composing the paragraphs. I frequently run out of things to say. I also tend to miss spell words. thought I've never had a problem with commonly confused words. but I also know that I sometimes almost never end my writings with a concluding sentence but I am working on it.

Sunday, August 14, 2016


Hi my name is Alexzandria Fleming and I take Mr. Reases AP class. I like to sing, dance, bake, and play games. My favorite thing to do is track and field which I hope will take me to state this school year. While taking this class I want to form good habits like doing things on time and studying. I also want to earn the college credit for taking this class. I want to also become a better writer and listener. I hope this class will also help me become a better note taker.