Friday, November 18, 2016

Discussion Questions

1. What was happening to Kien when he saw each man in his platoon reappearing before him in his room?

2. When Kien jumped back from the window bewildered, confused, and deeply troubled, why do you think he began to write?

3. On page 87 in the 3rd paragraph what do you think is happening to Lien after he wakes up after he loses his consciousness?

4. On page 88 in paragraph 2 what do you think the author means when he says that Kien had "sat and allowed his soul to take off on its flight to his eternal past?".

5. How would you feel if you were in Kiens situation, in the middle of war seeing people get killed and hearing them scream in agony and dying?

6. What do you think Kien and his platoon witnessed when the body turned into a yellowish ash after they opened the coffin and seeing the body glow?

7. The soldier that Kien was going to help died, but how go you think he died? Do you think he died by drowning in the crater or from his many wounds?

8. Could you live everyday knowing you saw someone die in front of you, with their belly ripped open and their body laying still and looking as if their bones in their body was smashed? Pg. 94 last paragraph

9. In the book there is a myth that tung is the forest man. Do you believe in myths like this?

10. On page 100 in the second paragraph why do you think all these flashbacks are happening to Kien all at once?

Saturday, August 20, 2016

        In my writings I think my greatest strength in writing is being very descriptive. I love describing things; the look, the way it feels, what it smells like, how it tastes, and/or sounds. I think my weakest strength is actually writing or composing the paragraphs. I frequently run out of things to say. I also tend to miss spell words. thought I've never had a problem with commonly confused words. but I also know that I sometimes almost never end my writings with a concluding sentence but I am working on it.

Sunday, August 14, 2016


Hi my name is Alexzandria Fleming and I take Mr. Reases AP class. I like to sing, dance, bake, and play games. My favorite thing to do is track and field which I hope will take me to state this school year. While taking this class I want to form good habits like doing things on time and studying. I also want to earn the college credit for taking this class. I want to also become a better writer and listener. I hope this class will also help me become a better note taker.